
So, all of this is great, but what am I actually up to currently? Last Updated: 02 June 2024


As of Feb 2024 I joined as employee number 3, Founding Engineer is the job title.

This is my first adventure into startup the world and I am loving it. We’re currently in the R&D/Prototying phase, so the weeks are filled with the nitty grity problem solving and design development that I really enjoy, and the pace of progress is truly insane!

The team are great and the exposure to the entrepreneurial side of things is valuable experience.

I’m extremely excited to see where things go!


As you would imagine, startup life has somewhat taken over my personal time in that I have less of it, but also that the work is enguaging and fulfilling in a way which scratches the itch which most of my personal projects are striving towards.

That being said, I am slowly chipping away at taking the M8 Headless project, specifically the one running on a RPi and Teensy combo, and turing it into a fully portable device with aesthetics that pay homage to the original.


Continuing to find time to get some indoor bouldering/rock climbing time